G20 Reporter to Obama- You Called ISIS the \'Jayvee Team\'... Why Can\'t We Take Ou_low

2016-03-31 5

Barack Obama made the following statement regarding the White House's “Healthy Communities Challenge,” where 20 cities with low numbers of insured ...

Most American voters believe Islamic terrorists will strike the U.S. soon. A Fox News national poll released Sunday also finds Democrats and Republicans united ...

Obama comments on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris at the G-20 summit in Turkey.

Obama Botches Paris Terrorist Speech | Media Training Receive ...

President Obama talking on imagration calls states countries. Obama says what? volume is low, turn up, and enjoy his latest FAIL.

Al vertice in Turchia le potenze mondiali condannano i fatti di Parigi: "sono crimini contro l'umanita". Annunciano sanzioni ai regimi che finanziano il terrore e ...

President Obama on Sunday described the Islamic State terrorists as "a bunch of killers with good social media." He said "the most powerful tool" Americans can ...

G20 Reporter to Obama- You Called ISIS the 'Jayvee Team'... Why Can't We Take Ou_low

G20 Reporter to Obama- You Called ISIS the 'Jayvee Team'... Why Can't We Take Ou_low

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